Bluenose: Tell us a little bit about yourself.

Kris: I’m a local guy. I grew up north of Clarkfield and graduated from Clarkfield High School, way back when there was such a thing. I went to Hamline University and lived in the Twin Cities for 10 years before moving to San Diego, then Brazil, returning to San Diego, and finally, back to Minnesota. I’m proud to say I live on the farm I grew up on. In the summer I grow a ridiculously large garden - every year I think I’ll scale back and then the seed catalogs arrive in January, and it happens all over again. I’m married and my wife, Ayla, works for Sea World in San Diego.

Bluenose: What got you interested in running for the Board of Directors for Bluenose Public House?

Kris: Last spring, when the call went out for financial support, I thought, “It’s easy to give a few bucks to save something I believe in.” and donated. But then were these requests for volunteers and I always figured that was for someone else to do. You know, I’m a busy guy!

Finally, I think it was in June, there was an email that came out asking for people to run for the board – there were so many seats to fill. It was at that point that I realized I needed to give physical time to the organization if I wanted it to succeed. So, I threw my hat in the ring.

Bluenose: Can you talk about your role with the Board of Directors?

Kris: I am the Chairperson, so I coordinate and conduct the board and member meetings and just generally try to keep us focused and moving in the right direction. Fortunately, my colleagues are a super talented bunch, so it’s not a difficult task.

Bluenose: What makes Bluenose special to you?

Kris: When I first started coming to Bluenose, I was reminded of some of my favorite coffee houses in the Cities and San Diego, but with beer! There was a friendly atmosphere with different things to do. You could belly up to the bar for a beer and chat, have a sandwich and play a board game with friends, meet new people playing trivia, or listen to music. I really enjoy the fact that it is a space for families too.

Bluenose: What do you see for the future of Bluenose?

Kris: We’re a co-op, and like co-ops everywhere, we rely on the patronage of our member/owners, so first and foremost, we need to get our sales up. If we don’t turn a profit, we can’t stay in business. It’s that simple. We’ve cut expenses by increasing our reliance on volunteers and we’re working very hard to find that perfect balance of every-day-comfort that keeps the members coming back and exciting events that bring in new faces. I think we’ll get there.

Bluenose: Anything else you’d like to add?

Kris: I’d like to express my gratitude to our core group of employees that have stuck with us. I know that this past year hasn’t been easy. I’m also proud of my fellow board members – they are a great group of dedicated, hard-working people. Finally, I’m really excited about the teams of volunteers that we’ve put together. I think you’ll see a lot of positive changes in 2024!